America's History 8th Edition Chapter 1 Quizlet

America: Narrative History, Volume 1 - 8th edition

America: Narrative History, Volume 1 - 8th edition

ISBN13: 9780393934069

ISBN10: 0393934063

America: Narrative History, Volume 1 by George Brown Tindall - ISBN 9780393934069

America: Narrative History, Volume 1 by George Brown Tindall - ISBN 9780393934069

ISBN13: 9780393934069

ISBN10: 0393934063

Condition: Very Good

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America, now in its twenty-fifth year, has sold more 1.2 million copies over the past seven editions and remains the most affordable history text on the market. The narrative wins students over with compelling storytelling, colorful anecdotes and biographical sketches that make the material more memorable. The text includes helpful in-text study aids, and a host of electronic media resources to help teachers teach and students learn. A book students will read.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
List of Maps
1 The Collision of Cultures 5
2 England and Its Colonies 48
3 Colonial Ways of Life 106
4 The Imperial Perspective 163
5 From Empire to Independence 195
6 The American Revolution 240
7 Shaping a Federal Union 283
8 The Federalists: Washington and Adams 319
9 Republicanism: Jefferson and Madison 360
10 Nationalism and Sectionalism 396
11 The Jacksonian Impulse 432
12 The Dynamics of Growth 469
13 An American Renaissance: Romanticism and Reform 512
14 Manifest Destiny 560
15 The Old South: An American Tragedy 602
16 The Crisis of Union 644
17 The War of the Union 690
18 Reconstruction: North and South 751
19 New Frontiers: South and West 796
20 The Rise of Big Business 838
21 The Emergence of Modern America 877
22 Gilded-Age Politics and Agrarian Revolt 926
23 The Course of Empire 971
24 Progressivism: Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson 1004
25 Wilson and the Great War 1046
26 The Modern Temper 1092
27 Republican Resurgence and Decline 1120
28 Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal 1155
29 From Isolation to Global War 1203
30 The World at War 1235
31 The Fair Deal and Containment 1287
32 Through the Picture Window: Society and Culture, 1945-1960 1326
33 Conflict and Deadlock: The Eisenhower Years 1357
34 New Frontiers: Kennedy and Johnson 1395
35 Rebellion and Reaction in the 1960s and 1970s 1437
36 A New Gilded Age 1493
37 Cultural Politics 1536
App. The Declaration of Independence A1
App. Articles of Confederation A5
App. The Constitution of the United States A12
App. Presidential Elections A30
App. Admission of States A38
App. Population of the United States A39
App. Immigration to the United States, Fiscal Years 1820-1990 A40
App. Immigration by Region and Selected Country of Last Residence, Fiscal Years 1820-1989 A42
Presidents, Vice-Presidents, and Secretaries of State A49
Chronology of Significant Events A54
Illustration Credits A65
Index A73

Other Editions of America: Narrative History, Volume 1

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America, now in its twenty-fifth year, has sold more 1.2 million copies over the past seven editions and remains the most affordable history text on the market. The narrative wins students over with compelling storytelling, colorful anecdotes and biographical sketches that make the material more memorable. The text includes helpful in-text study aids, and a host of electronic media resources to help teachers teach and students learn. A book students will read.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
List of Maps
1 The Collision of Cultures 5
2 England and Its Colonies 48
3 Colonial Ways of Life 106
4 The Imperial Perspective 163
5 From Empire to Independence 195
6 The American Revolution 240
7 Shaping a Federal Union 283
8 The Federalists: Washington and Adams 319
9 Republicanism: Jefferson and Madison 360
10 Nationalism and Sectionalism 396
11 The Jacksonian Impulse 432
12 The Dynamics of Growth 469
13 An American Renaissance: Romanticism and Reform 512
14 Manifest Destiny 560
15 The Old South: An American Tragedy 602
16 The Crisis of Union 644
17 The War of the Union 690
18 Reconstruction: North and South 751
19 New Frontiers: South and West 796
20 The Rise of Big Business 838
21 The Emergence of Modern America 877
22 Gilded-Age Politics and Agrarian Revolt 926
23 The Course of Empire 971
24 Progressivism: Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson 1004
25 Wilson and the Great War 1046
26 The Modern Temper 1092
27 Republican Resurgence and Decline 1120
28 Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal 1155
29 From Isolation to Global War 1203
30 The World at War 1235
31 The Fair Deal and Containment 1287
32 Through the Picture Window: Society and Culture, 1945-1960 1326
33 Conflict and Deadlock: The Eisenhower Years 1357
34 New Frontiers: Kennedy and Johnson 1395
35 Rebellion and Reaction in the 1960s and 1970s 1437
36 A New Gilded Age 1493
37 Cultural Politics 1536
App. The Declaration of Independence A1
App. Articles of Confederation A5
App. The Constitution of the United States A12
App. Presidential Elections A30
App. Admission of States A38
App. Population of the United States A39
App. Immigration to the United States, Fiscal Years 1820-1990 A40
App. Immigration by Region and Selected Country of Last Residence, Fiscal Years 1820-1989 A42
Presidents, Vice-Presidents, and Secretaries of State A49
Chronology of Significant Events A54
Illustration Credits A65
Index A73

Other Editions of America: Narrative History, Volume 1

America's History 8th Edition Chapter 1 Quizlet


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