What Does It Mean Unstable or Stable in Art

  • Journal List
  • Forepart Hum Neurosci
  • v.x; 2016
  • PMC4749843

Front Hum Neurosci. 2016; 10: 43.

Semantic Stability is More Pleasurable in Unstable Episodic Contexts. On the Relevance of Perceptual Challenge in Art Appreciation

Claudia Muth

1Department of Full general Psychology and Methodology, University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany

twoBamberg Graduate School of Affective and Cerebral Sciences, Bamberg, Germany

3Forschungsgruppe EPÆG (Ergonomie, Psychologische Æsthetik, Gestaltung), Bamberg, Germany

Marius H. Raab

oneSection of General Psychology and Methodology, University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Deutschland

iiBamberg Graduate School of Affective and Cognitive Sciences, Bamberg, Germany

3Forschungsgruppe EPÆG (Ergonomie, Psychologische Æsthetik, Gestaltung), Bamberg, Germany

Claus-Christian Carbon

1Department of General Psychology and Methodology, Academy of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany

2Bamberg Graduate School of Affective and Cognitive Sciences, Bamberg, Frg

3Forschungsgruppe EPÆG (Ergonomie, Psychologische Æsthetik, Gestaltung), Bamberg, Germany

Received 2015 Nov 23; Accustomed 2016 Jan 25.


Enquiry in the field of psychological aesthetics points to the appeal of stimuli which defy easy recognition by being "semantically unstable" but which still allow for creating meaning—in the ongoing process of elaborative perception or every bit an stop product of the entire process. Such effects were reported for hidden images (Muth and Carbon, 2013) also every bit Cubist artworks concealing detectable—although fragmented—objects (Muth et al., 2013). To test the stability of the relationship between semantic determinacy and appreciation across unlike episodic contexts, 30 volunteers evaluated an creative moving picture continuously on visual determinacy or liking via the Continuous Evaluation Procedure (CEP, Muth et al., 2015b). The movie consisted of five episodes with emerging Gestalts. In the starting time betwixt-participants condition, the hidden Gestalts in the movie episodes were of increasing determinacy, in the 2nd condition, the episodes showed decreasing determinacies of hidden Gestalts. In the increasing-determinacy group, visual determinacy was rated higher and showed improve predictive quality for liking than in the decreasing-determinacy group. Furthermore, when the movie started with low visual determinacy of hidden Gestalts, unexpectedly strong increases in visual determinacy had a bigger outcome on liking than in the condition which allowed for weaker Gestalt recognition after having started with highly determinate Gestalts. The resulting pattern calls for consideration of the episodic context when examining art appreciation.

Keywords: Aesthetic Aha, art, dynamic appreciation, semantic instability, predictive coding, episodic context


A specific quality of many experiences with fine art is the dynamic and inconclusive generation of meaning every bit can be captured past subjective reports: "[T]he more I looked the more I found, the more I liked and the more I wanted to run into more of that work" (interview with an anonymous person; Csikszentmihalyi and Robinson, 1990, p. 57). Research in the field of psychological aesthetics indeed points to the appeal of stimuli which defy an easy recognition but are nonetheless evocative of meaning—eastward.g., hidden images which permit for the rewarding detection of Gestalt (a meaningful cohesive pattern) within seemingly arbitrary patterns (an result reported equally "Aesthetic Aha" by Muth and Carbon, 2013 and replicated for various object categories past Chetverikov and Filippova, 2014). This outcome might play an important part in the experience of artworks as well, because they oft defy an easy "mastering." Yet at the aforementioned fourth dimension some artworks enable the active, often inconclusive creation of meaning by the perceiver. For case, nosotros prefer Cubist artworks which allow for the detection of objects (Kuchinke et al., 2009; Muth et al., 2013) although we are never able to construct a stable determinate Gestalt (Gombrich, 1960/2002). Furthermore, appreciation increased with the detection of Gestalts within artistic movies, and interest went up even prior to these perceptual insights (Muth et al., 2015b). In another study, people generated insights on a variety of semantic levels when elaborating paintings and objects from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. For instance, they detected Gestalts, interpreted depicted scenes and styles, identified symbols, or reflected on their ain perceptual processes. Fifty-fifty though the semantic instability of these artworks was often unresolvable, the experience of such insights had positive effects on involvement, liking and powerfulness of touch (Muth et al., 2015a).

Appreciation is repeatedly reported to be positively influenced by the ease of processing (see review by Reber et al., 2004), merely the to a higher place-mentioned instances are—in contrast— marked by perceptual challenge. We assume hither that pleasure is evoked non by like shooting fish in a barrel admission to significant as such, simply past the feel of dynamic meaningfulness within a semantically unstable episodic context. This specific interplay betwixt semantic stability and unstable episodic contexts might and then be qualified by the rewarding feel of insight (Muth and Carbon, 2013). This article consequently presents a study on the relevance of perceptual challenge for the positive consequence of insight. It investigates whether a semantically unstable episodic context intensifies the pleasure of creating meaning. Within the scope of this article, we define episodic contexts every bit qualities of experiences a person gains immediately prior to the actual experience. According to our hypothesis, an experienced perceptual challenge should provide us with the opportunity for a more rewarding insight having a positive effect on liking.

A dynamic view on semantic stability and appreciation

Artworks are oft associated with what we telephone call Semantic Instability (SeIns [saIns]; Muth and Carbon, 2015): they challenge like shooting fish in a barrel recognition (similar hidden images), allow for a multiplicity of meanings (multistability), promise but defy meaningful patterns (visual indeterminacy) and—at least in the case of representational art—they entail dichotomy between textile (east.g., canvass and colour), composition and content (eastward.g., the depicted scene; meet Pepperell, 2015). In short: artworks frequently defy semantic stability past contradicting perceptual habits (Carbon and Leder, 2005; Van de Cruys and Wagemans, 2011). According to fluency theories (due east.g., Winkielman et al., 2003) this quality should have a negative effect on appreciation as nosotros supposedly adopt objects that are like shooting fish in a barrel to process. Also Berlyne'southward (1971) thought of preference for objects of moderate arousal potential with moderate values regarding collative stimulus properties (like complexity, instability, novelty, etc.) contradicts the appeal of SeIns: such a high level of arousal potential should crusade aversion if we consequently follow this approach. From the perspective of a recently pop arroyo in the cognitive sciences, Predictive Coding, it is stated that each cognitive system seeks semantic stability: our mental model of the world is continuously actualized to exist able to predict the sources of sensual stimulation in the most accurate way (run into, east.g., review past Clark, 2013). SeIns should therefore cause aversion as situations of depression semantic stability are qualified by incongruence between predictions and sensations—and then called prediction errors (Van de Cruys and Wagemans, 2011). If nosotros describe these theoretical accounts with a static concept of experience in mind, nosotros might expect a reliable positive link between semantic stability and appreciation because information technology enables fluency, generates non also much arousal, and creates minimal prediction errors.

To investigate the reliability of the human relationship between semantic stability and appreciation, nosotros demand to make a crucial step beyond this static perspective on perception and appreciation toward a dynamic 1 (Carbon, 2011; Pelowski and Akiba, 2011). Non only are our perceptual impressions of an object and its context continuously changing due to changes in position of our trunk and the world, meaning evolves out of our interaction with the world and is not inherent to information technology. Semantic stability is never preset simply a result of this interaction (see Muth and Carbon, 2015; Muth et al., 2015b). In addition to these physical and semantic changes, we need to consider their dynamic linkage with appreciation: e.yard., repeated presentation of initially semantically unstable objects might cause increased familiarity, and thus increases positive touch on (mere-exposure result, Zajonc, 1968; limited past colorlessness, come across Bornstein, 1989; or fatigue, Carbon, 2011). Not but does un-reinforced exposure influence appreciation: it could be shown that innovative designs are liked more than with increased depth of elaboration (engagement with various qualities of the design; see Repeated Evaluation Technique, RET; Carbon and Leder, 2005). And the formation of semantic stability within hidden images yields a sudden increase in liking (Muth and Carbon, 2013). There are at to the lowest degree four interconnected lines of theoretical argumentation able to explain such dynamics concerning the human relationship between semantic stability and appreciation:

  1. As much every bit SeIns is not a static property of an object, the fluency of its processing is subject to changes, too. We can expect information technology to modify with exposure (see mere-exposure effect as explained above) or elaboration (see repeated-evaluation furnishings as explained higher up). And furthermore, insight experiences might be accompanied past a rewarding, sudden and potent increase in processing fluency (as proposed, e.g., past Topolinski and Reber, 2010).

  2. Berlyne (1971) suggested the existence of two reward systems: i would exist linked to the moderate increase in arousal potential and deactivated by values too low or likewise high, as described higher up. The other one would exist linked to decreases in arousal potential until a moderate level is reached. An initially high level of arousal through SeIns might therefore decrease during elaboration to arrive at such a pleasurable level.

  3. Van de Cruys and Wagemans (2011) developed an idea based on Predictive Coding which is capable of explaining how initially aversive reactions to prediction errors induced past an artwork might exist transformed into positive affect: predictive progress, the reduction of a mismatch between predictions nearly the cause of the experience and the actual experience, might itself exist rewarding.

  4. In the case of artworks, such a subtract in SeIns might not always be progressive or finite. It might even have a negative effect on appreciation if ambiguity is besides hands resolvable (Hyman, 2010; Muth et al., 2015a). Instead, it might exist more fruitful to focus on dynamic transformational processes in the perceiver after the encounter of SeIns involving insight and self-change rather than the rather blunt pleasance of a mastery (Pelowski and Akiba, 2011). Muth and Carbon (2015) suggested that insights during the elaboration of an artwork might temporarily increase positive affect, maybe even several times during the perception of one and the same artwork and fifty-fifty without a complete resolution of SeIns. This is for instance the instance if we get a clue about a fragmented object concealed in a Cubist artwork by identifying the strings of a violin, but lose it again in the next moment when focusing on contradictory elements within the painting. Furthermore, even the mere anticipation of meaningful insights already showed an increase of involvement (Muth et al., 2015b). Interest is indeed frequently reported to link "disorientation" with a "promise of success" (Berlyne, 1971) or challenge with coping potential (Silvia, 2005), respectively. Muth et al. (2015b) proposed a preliminary model (see Effigy 1) integrating these findings: an increase in complication causes an orienting reaction due to expected meaningfulness, and with that evokes interest as a kind of "affective forecasting" (Wilson and Gilbert, 2003) of a rewarding insight. If an insight occurs, liking increases ("Artful Aha" effect).

    An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is fnhum-10-00043-g0001.jpg

    A preliminary model of dynamics in semantic stability and appreciation; refined version of Effigy 13 by Muth et al. (2015b).

The approaches sketched hither are partially linked as they all associate the formation of meaning with pleasance. One point that needs differentiated consideration nevertheless is the role of perceptual challenge (or "disruption" see Pelowski and Akiba, 2011 with reference to Dewey): the concept of pleasure by processing fluency is linked to a variety of object features like prototypicality and symmetry (due east.yard., Reber et al., 2004) without the demand for a challenging episodic context. Berlyne'south (1971) idea of reward by decrease in arousal, in dissimilarity, presupposes a precedent high level of arousal. Information technology was indeed suggested that the mere-exposure effect—which can be understood as a process of arousal reduction by reduction of novelty—is most relevant to complex stimuli equally their difficulty prevents an early influence of boredom: "Presumably, uncomplicated stimuli become boring more quickly than complex stimuli, resulting in a more than rapid downturn in the frequency-affect bend" (Bornstein, 1989, p. 279). Also Van de Cruys and Wagemans (2011) explicitly claim that pleasure might benefit from an encounter with a prediction error equally it enables the rewarding predictive progress in the first identify. Indeed, in a study past Dörner and Vehrs (1975) patterns were well-nigh appreciated when they curtained an club that is not recognizable initially, but only after effort.

To accost the relevance of effort in the link between semantic stability and appreciation, nosotros need to take the episodic context into consideration and thus find a style to qualify dynamics in the feel of art. In the study to be presented we asked how reliable the positive link between semantic stability and appreciation is, concretely: is the link stronger in semantically unstable episodic contexts, when an upshot was preceded by a stronger perceptual challenge?

Materials and methods


Participants were grouped in two sets: increasing-determinacy group (15 participants, 14 females; meanage = twenty.6 years; rangeage = 18–27 years) and decreasing-determinacy grouping (fifteen participants, 13 females; meanage = 22.9 years; rangeage = 19–29 years). A Snellen eye nautical chart test and a test with a subset of the Ishihara color cards assured that all of them had normal or corrected-to-normal visual acuity and normal color vision. The participants were naïve to the purpose of the study.

Apparatus and stimuli

As stimulus material we utilized a picture show consisting of five episodes which dynamically reveal and conceal Gestalts (see Figure 2 and Supplementary Fabric for two versions of the movie). "Konstrukte" (07:eighteen min.) by Claudia Muth (from the year 2009) was originally non created as experimental material merely has been used as such before by Muth et al. (2015b). The artistic movie documents an intuitive drawing technique (charcoal and acrylic paint) by fusing thousands of photographs at dissimilar stages of the drawing process (terminate-move technique). Gestalt evolves out of arbitrarily drawn lines and painted blots; guild slowly evolves and Gestalt morphs into new Gestalt or dissolves. Beingness a dynamic stimulus, it allows for investigating the effects of dynamic variations of SeIns and includes the evocation of predictions as well as prediction errors due to the associations and expectations of the perceiver. We used two different versions of the movie: one in which five episodes were combined in an order of increasing visual determinacy of detectable Gestalts (episode guild: A–B–C–D–E), with the first movie-episode A being the least evocative of clear Gestalt and the last moving-picture show-episode E being most evocative of clear Gestalt (watched past the increasing-determinacy group). A 2d version showed the same episodes in an guild of decreasing visual determinacy (episode order: East–D–C–B–A; watched past the decreasing-determinacy group, see Figure iii for a visualization of these orders and Supplementary Material for full movies). Note that the guild of episodes was reversed, not the order of the whole movie based on an inversed frame number. Furthermore, the episodes were combined in such a way that they appeared every bit ane cohesive movie (equally provided in the Supplementary Fabric) without whatever credible break between episodes. Participants were also non alerted to the fact that the motion-picture show was broken into episodes for the experimental process. The five episodes were of different length. The movie was presented on a LG W2220P screen with a 22-inch screen size and a resolution of 1680 × 1050 pixels.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is fnhum-10-00043-g0002.jpg

Exemplary frames of the stop-motion pic "Konstrukte" by Claudia Muth (from the twelvemonth 2009). Image courtesy of Claudia Muth (encounter Supplementary Cloth for the two versions of the full movie).

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is fnhum-10-00043-g0003.jpg

Order of the episodes A–E for each betwixt-participants condition and i movie frame of each episode exemplifying the differences in determinacy of Gestalt.

As an assessment method we utilized the Continuous Evaluation Procedure (CEP; developed by the inquiry network Ergonomics, Psychological Æsthetics and Gestaltung, EPÆG; Muth et al., 2015b). CEP uses a slider box every bit the input device which captures assessments in a very time-authentic way (standard lever; 100 mm move range, 10 kΩ linear characteristics mounted on wooden housing). An ATMEGA microprocessor maps the lever's resistance to a value between 80 (lowest) and 1024 (highest lever position). We will refer to this resistance as "strength" in the following and use a transposed scale ranging from 0 to 1000. The value is transferred to the connected PC via an FTDI serial-to-USB converter and the current slider position is updated constantly by the ATMEGA processor and requested via the Serial-to-USB interface for each frame of the movie (30 frames per second in this instance). We implemented the video presentation via the Processing Library for Visual Arts and Design (Fry and Reas, 2014) and the GStreamer library (Open-Source, 2014).


Participants watched the artistic picture show twice. Each time they evaluated it continuously on one dimension via the CEP: each person evaluated it get-go on determinacy (as a measure out of semantic stability) and in a second trial on liking (as a mensurate of appreciation) or vice versa (counterbalanced design). The increasing-determinacy grouping watched the five episodes in an order of increasing determinacy with the showtime picture-episode beingness the least evocative of clear Gestalt and the last movie-episode being the most evocative of clear Gestalt. In a 2nd between-participants condition, participants of the decreasing-determinacy group watched these episodes vice-versa in an order of decreasing determinacy (see Figure 3). The verbal directions given to participants are reported in Figure 4. These instructions were added past a graphical representation of the slider and the two poles of the according cardinal dimension for better understanding (run across Effigy four). Earlier the motion-picture show started, participants were asked to go familiar with the usability of the slider past moving it up and down.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is fnhum-10-00043-g0004.jpg

(I) Introduction to the report as given to the participants and (Ii) exemplary pedagogy for the primal variable "determinacy" (translated from German).

Ethical argument

Before the experiment, participants gave written informed consent to participating in the study. Later the experiment had ended participants were fully informed about the aims of the study and had the opportunity to ask questions. All data were collected anonymously and no harming procedures were used. The reported study was approved by the "Ethikrat der Universität Bamberg" (ethics commission of the University of Bamberg).


Reliability of the relationship across unlike episodic contexts

Each film-frame was represented past an boilerplate value of forcefulness of determinacy and of liking for each betwixt-participant-condition. In order to exclude any possible bias with regard to the comparison of the betwixt-participant-weather nosotros first checked for guild-effects on the evaluation of determinacy or liking that might have been caused by the counter-balanced pattern. This assay showed no significant differences (Δ for liking = 16.92 with higher ratings when liking was evaluated during the second block; Δ for determinacy = 11.05 with higher ratings when determinacy was evaluated during the second cake). Furthermore, an ANOVA with episodic context and order every bit between-participant-factors did non produce any significant interaction.

A paired t-test revealed that in the increasing-determinacy group, determinacy [M = 98.22, t (10725) = 102.53, p < 0.001; d = 0.99; see Figure 5] and liking [M = 27.78, t (10725) = 34.47, p < 0.001, d = 0.33; see Figure vi] were generally rated higher than in the decreasing-determinacy group. We conducted an additional mixed Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with data being aggregated over frames per participant and episode to have a closer wait at the evaluation of each episode on liking in the 2 episodic contexts. It included the repeated-measures factor of episode (ane–5) and the between-participants cistron of episodic context (increasing-determinacy vs. decreasing-determinacy) and liking equally dependent variable. Although liking evaluations were college for episodes A–D in the increasing-determinacy group than in the decreasing-determinacy grouping (come across Effigy 7), the interaction between episode and episodic context did not reach significance [F (four, 112) = two.213, p = 0.072]. It can therefore only be speculated rather than stated with confidence that in the increasing-determinacy grouping, episodes A–D benefited from the precedent experience of SeIns in episode E being the first episode in the increasing-determinacy group and the last one in the decreasing-determinacy grouping.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is fnhum-10-00043-g0005.jpg

Differences in strength of visual determinacy between the increasing-determinacy grouping and the decreasing-determinacy group. The Effigy shows evaluations of the decreasing-determinacy group in the original order and evaluations of the increasing-determinacy grouping in a rearranged manner and so that evaluations of episode A now appear to the left although they were given at the finish. Notation the inversed order of frames for the information assessed by the increasing-determinacy group: the movie was not shown inversed based on frame number but based on the order of five episodes (A–E). Numbers indicate the social club of episodes.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is fnhum-10-00043-g0006.jpg

Differences in strength of liking between the increasing-determinacy group and the decreasing-determinacy group. The Figure shows evaluations of the decreasing-determinacy grouping in the original order and evaluations of the increasing-determinacy grouping in a rearranged fashion and so that evaluations of episode A now appear to the left although they were given at the end. Note the inversed society of frames for the information assessed by the increasing-determinacy group: the movie was non shown inversed based on frame number but based on the order of five episodes (A–Eastward). Numbers indicate the order of episodes. Notation the inversed society of frames for the information assessed by the increasing-determinacy grouping: the motion picture was not shown inversed based on frame number, but on the social club of v episodes (A–E).

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is fnhum-10-00043-g0007.jpg

Differences in liking between episodes and episodic context. Error confined stand for ±1 SD.

Furthermore, a Pearson correlation revealed that visual determinacy showed better predictive quality for liking in the increasing-determinacy group (R 2 = 0.71, t (10724) = 163.16, p < 0.001) than in the decreasing-determinacy group (R 2 = 0.47, t (10724) = 101.83, p < 0.001; see Effigy 8).

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is fnhum-10-00043-g0008.jpg

Determinacy and liking evaluations over fourth dimension (flick frames) from the decreasing-determinacy group and the increasing-determinacy group. Note that episodes differ in length (frame number) as they were chosen based on content and not originally created as stimulus textile.

Reliability of the temporary increase in liking at moments of insight beyond different episodic contexts

To furthermore assess the temporary effects of a perceptual insight during Gestalt recognition on liking ("Aesthetic Aha"), nosotros compared increases in liking at moments of insight between the 2 conditions. Muth et al. (2015b) already identified seven moments of insight from the same movie as was utilized in the electric current written report. These were divers as peaks in evaluations of determinacy and surprise nerveless in the report by Muth et al. (2015b). We compared liking evaluations earlier and later these 7 moments of insight betwixt the ii conditions to reveal if insights had a greater consequence in the increasing-determinacy than in the decreasing-determinacy group.

To quantify the change in a given dimension for a given bespeak in fourth dimension, we used a modified cosine value, based on the angle betwixt the line describing data before (frame "-60" to frame "0") and the line describing data later on the moment in question (frame "0" to frame "threescore"; come across Figure ix). The cosine measure is a common means for evaluating the similarity between 2 arbitrary, north-dimensional vectors (see Singhal, 2001). As we wanted to capture the dissimilarity between two vectors (i.e., the difference between the trends before and after insight), we have modified the cosine formula. Now it results in "0" when both vectors (pre and post the moment to be evaluated) accept the same direction; it approaches "1" when the mail-vector marks an increase compared to the pre-vector (where "0.1464" would be an angle of 45° and "0.five" would exist an angle of ninety°); and it approaches "−one" when the post-vector marks a subtract (run across Figure 9).

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is fnhum-10-00043-g0009.jpg

The modified cosine theta measure to capture dissimilarity between pre- and post-insight. The information section before the insight as well every bit later the insight was approximated with a line each (top left). Between these two vectors, the angle was determined. Two vectors with exactly the same direction, i.e., with no divergence in management pre- and post-insight, result in an angle of 0° betwixt vectors and thus in a cosine theta measure of 0. A directional change upward (second vector pointing higher than the offset ane) will event in a positive theta (eastward.g., 0.1464 for a 45° upwards angle between vectors), a directional alter downwardly in a negative theta value (e.g., −0.1464 for a 45° downward angle).

While the usual advantage of the cosine mensurate is its ability to handle n-dimensional vectors, nosotros have too chosen to use this (slightly modified) approach for our ii-dimensional purpose. The cosine measure lends itself to the comparison of angles (and thus, differences) between vectors. It emphasizes large differences/angles in dissimilarity to small differences (due to the cosine distribution); and it is, at the same time, similar to a Pearson correlation with values divisional betwixt −ane and i (Egghe and Leydesdorff, 2009).

Figure x shows the average change in liking at moments of insight. To see if this change differs significantly from other changes in liking during the movie'south elaboration, we compared the modified cosine values extracted for each of the seven moments of insight to those of thou randomly picked information intervals. We conducted a two-sided contained t-test in MATLAB (version R2011b, The MathWorks, Inc.; via the office "ttest2" which accounts for diff sample sizes using a Welch correction). This analysis revealed that for each between-participant condition, the change in liking at the 7 moments of insight is different from general, random changes. For the increasing-determinacy group the modified cosine value was 0.179 and the according angle fifty.059° [t (1005) = ii.476, p = 0.013, Cohen's d = 1.504], for the decreasing-determinacy grouping the modified cosine value was 0.087 and the according angle 34.310° [t (1005) = −2.687, p = 0.007, Cohen's d = 0.344; run into Figure 10]. The increase in liking at moments of insight was non only greater for the increasing-determinacy group on average, only too for each of the seven insights except one (the changes do non attain significance on every single moment of insight though, see Table 1).

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.  Object name is fnhum-10-00043-g0010.jpg

Dynamics of liking in relation to moments of insight for the increasing-determinacy group and the decreasing-determinacy group. "0" marks liking at the moments of insight, "60" marks liking at sixty frames afterwards moments of insight, "−60" marks liking 60 frames before moments of insight, etc.

Table 1

Angles between the slope describing liking from lx frames before an insight to liking at the moment of insight and the slope connecting liking from the moment of insight to 60 frames subsequently it for each between-participants group.

Episode Moments of insight (movie frame) Decreasing-determinacy group angle (mod. cosine) Increasing-determinacy group angle (modernistic. cosine) Δ Increasing-/Decreasing-determinacy group Δ(angle)
A 490 37.81° (0.105) 53.84°(0.205)* 16.03°
A 2183 24.22° (0.044) 49.91° (0.178) 25.69°
A 2863 38.74° (0.110) 41.06° (0.123) 2.32°
B 3868 −xx.93° (−0.033) 24.l° (0.045) 45.43°
B 3900 0° (0) 45.89° (0.152) 45.89°
B 4576 73.74° (0.360) 72.30° (0.348)* −1.44°
D 6577 −48.02° (−0.166)* 58.53° (0.239)* 106.55°

Significant changes in liking (p ≤ 0.05) are marked by an asterisk.


We investigated the relevance of perceptual challenge to the positive upshot of semantic stability on appreciation and asked whether a semantically unstable episodic context intensifies the pleasure of creating significant. To do so we manipulated the order of movie episodes differing in the caste of SeIns (Semantic Instability, run into Muth and Carbon, 2015). Evaluations of persons who were initially exposed with higher SeIns (i.e., increasing-determinacy group) were higher regarding liking too as visual determinacy and revealed a stronger link between visual determinacy and liking. Furthermore, an analysis of the dynamic link between insights and liking revealed a stronger "Aesthetic Aha" effect (increase in liking at moments of insight, Muth and Carbon, 2013) for persons who watched the episodes in an guild of increasing visual determinacy. It can be concluded that not but might semantic stability as such be appreciated, but fifty-fifty more so increases in semantic stability later on the encounter of perceptual challenge (eastward.g., Dörner and Vehrs, 1975; Van de Cruys and Wagemans, 2011; Muth and Carbon, 2015). Thus, episodic contexts in which we feel bang-up difficulty in deciphering Gestalt let for more rewarding increases in certainty than less visually indeterminate contexts. Consequently, when the movie started with more visually indeterminate phases, an increase in visual determinacy had a bigger effect on liking. The resulting blueprint calls for considering episodic context when investigating phenomena of SeIns. Furthermore, our findings underline that, while according to Predictive Coding accounts we aim at an increase in predictive accuracy or a reduction of surprise respectively (see as well the principle of minimizing free energy past Friston, 2005), the pleasure of predictive progress might be greater in unstable semantic contexts. Seen within a bigger moving picture, this is 1 possible explanation for the fact that we exercise not avoid stimulation to keep prediction errors low (an effect discussed every bit the "nighttime room trouble," Friston et al., 2012): people challenge their perceptual habits, for instance, past visiting art exhibitions, past exploring new countries, past listening to music that plays with transformations and contradictions to expected motives (Weth et al., 2015), or by learning difficult games. They might do and so at least partially because the gain of insights in challenging situations induces pleasure—presumably fifty-fifty more then than the mere see of familiar (fluent) situations. This effect might exist additionally influenced by the "safety" of the overall situational frame (east.chiliad., museum, non-threatening situations at holiday or leisure time; see Carbon et al., 2013 for effects of feeling safety on ratings of innovativeness). The feeling of safe might as well influence the motivational context: we tin can assume that people go into a preservation mode if safe is low (goals associated with college security and familiarity, linked to "prettiness") and a promotion style if condom is loftier (goals associated with mental growth and novelty, linked to "beauty," see for a differentiation of these motivational modes; Armstrong and Detweiler-Bedell, 2008):

When promotion focused, a person will seek novelty to gain new cerebral structures for coping with the world. Alternatively, when prevention focused, a person will avoid ambiguity and inconsistency to prevent defoliation and to maintain existing knowledge structures and belief systems.

(Armstrong and Detweiler-Bedell, 2008, p. 319).

A promotion manner might be benign for the pleasance of forming meaning inside SeIns. Information technology fifty-fifty seems to exist a precondition for engaging with challenging situations in the first place. In dissimilarity, fluently candy objects might be preferred if a person is in a prevention manner (as suggested by Armstrong and Detweiler-Bedell, 2008).

As much as it is an oversimplification to draw the perception and appreciation of art via stable evaluations, it would exist an oversimplification to describe the effect of artworks on the perceiver via two dimensions of semantic stability and liking. First, information technology is evident that "semantic stability"—or, in more than full general terms, "meaningfulness"—comprises a much larger set of phenomena than those of visual determinacy. Second, affective reactions might range from balmy pleasure to beingness moved, physiological reactions of chills and thrills and even an boggling and sometimes life-changing feel of Artful "Awe" and the sublime (Konečni, 2010). Pelowski and Akiba (2011), for example, pointed to the crucial relevance of disruption and transformation in art perception which seem to be neglected widely in current accounts in psychological aesthetics in favor of examining the hedonic value of harmonious, fluent experiences of meaning. Although still ill-defined up to this bespeak, several psychological accounts describe the "dependent variable" of aesthetic perception with much more than detail than is applied in many empirical studies in the field. Armstrong and Detweiler-Bedell (2008), for instance, clarify the concept of "free beauty" with reference to Kant every bit a alloy between not-fluency and the promise of meaningfulness (associated with a promotion focus, meet in a higher place) and differentiate it from "prettiness," mere liking or a mundane pleasure which would be rather closely linked to fluency effects (associated with a prevention focus, see higher up). Indeed, variables similar SeIns might affect mere liking to a different extent than alternative variables like involvement or powerfulness of bear upon (see, east.g., Ishai et al., 2007; Muth et al., 2015a). Furthermore, not every artwork might cause (or even try to crusade) pleasure or feelings of beauty—even if insights generated during its elaboration might be judged valuable or interesting (for an important differentiation between positive effects on involvement and negative ones on pleasure by disturbing art run across Turner and Silvia, 2006). On the other hand, the positive effect of instable episodic contexts might exist specially relevant in art perception: it would exist interesting to investigate if participants would take benefited from a semantically instable context in the same mode if they would not have classified the moving-picture show equally an art work. Additionally, the valence of generated insights (e.g., a positive or negative expression of a subconscious confront) could influence appreciation (come across Fluency Amplification Model past Albrecht and Carbon, 2014). It is therefore crucial to extend our findings of the influence of semantically unstable episodic contexts on liking to boosted varieties of meaningfulness and touch on.

Nosotros showed that the link betwixt SeIns and liking is influenced past episodic context: perceptual challenge amplified the positive effect of visual determinacy on liking. In subsequent attempts at investigation it has to be farther revealed which art-specific varieties of semantic stability exist beyond mere visual determinacy, and how according processes are related to several experiential qualities during art perception.

Author contributions

CM developed the principal idea for the report and refined its detailed procedure together with CC and MR. The apparatus was adult by MR, supported by CM and CC, testing was covered past CM, MR, and CC advised and conducted part of the assay.

Disharmonize of interest statement

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of whatsoever commercial or financial relationships that could exist construed as a potential disharmonize of interest.


We would like to thank Alun Brown for proofreading the text and the "Ständige Kommission für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs" (FNK, 2016) of the University of Bamberg for financial aid for Claudia Muth and Marius Raab, enabling the presentation and discussion of these findings at an international briefing.


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Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4749843/

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